Are any products available locally in Perth?

Yes, but only in very few selections. Most of our products will come from from China. Please contact us for local stock’s availability.

Can we get some samples of products that we are interested in?

Certainly, we have large range of samples available in Perth. Please feel free to contact us for any sample that you are interested in.

How do we place an order?

Please contact us for a quote and MOQ about the product that you are interested in by email. Once the quotation and terms of conditions have been accepted, the order will be confirmed directly, or when the deposit has been processed.  Please feel free to contact us for any information as necessary.

What currency are we using?

Only Australian Dollars will be used for all transactions. However any quotations will be changed and are only valid for a certain period due to the fluctuating rate of the Chinese Currency.

How long will the shipment be?

It will depend where the goods are dispatched from. It may take 3-4 weeks from China, and 3-4 days from our operations in Perth.